4-H Registration

4-H Registration Instructions

4-H Registration is required to be on any team run by Team OKC Robotics or to attend club meetings beyond the first one or two where a student may be trying out robotics for the first time. Cost is $20 per student (no more than $60 per family; there is also a scholarship petition form).

It is also required for adult volunteers, who undergo training and a background check.

How to Register

  1. Visit 4h.zsuite.org
  2. Create an account (or login if you already have one)
  3. When registering the student, be sure to choose “Team OKC Robotics” for the club. If this does not appear on your club selection screen then you may be located in a county besides Oklahoma County and you will need to do a Petition for Membership Transfer.
  4. Be sure to pay the $20 fee. You aren’t considered enrolled until you submit payment. (Note: if joining a team, team fees are separate from the 4-H fee and vary based on program. Read about each program to find out more).

There is a manual that goes into Zsuite registration in detail linked from the front of 4h.zsuite.org (or here).